A Short Course in Scrying

A Short Course in Scrying

A Short Course in Scrying

 Scrying is as much a learned skill as is reading or ice-skating. Persistent practice is necessary to teach the nervous system how to do it, even where the person has some innate talent. And as with other learned skills, there is a learning curve. At first there will be a long period when you don’t seem to be making any significant progress. Then things will suddenly fall together and your practice will improve markedly in a short period, before leveling off again at something close to your highest level of skill. It is best to expect a learning period of several months; don’t expect quick results. It is likely that you will have occasional sessions where things work much better than usual. Don’t be too encouraged by these, as it is likely that you will fall back to a lower level in the next session. When an improvement lasts for a week or more, you are justified in judging it a genuine advance.

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